Sunday, May 15, 2011

Window Seat FABness

There comes a moment when you realize what it is you want in life and what is your purpose. It doesn't happen over night but everything that breaks you down, everything that teaches you more about yourself, every battle you have fought; the ones you lost, the ones you won and even the ones that caused you to question every aspect of your life, these moments, each and every one of them culminate and bring you closer to that ah hah moment. You get to that place when you realize that the love you have for self trumps the love that any significant other can offer. It takes a series of seemingly unfortunate but necessary events to arise at such a moment of clarity. It is important to know yourself, you may feel that nobody knows you better than you, but knowing yourself is not one dimensional, you have to step out of self, you have to know the face in the mirror and the face that is seen through the eyes of others.

So how do you initiate that journey to your ah hah moment? Well you make a list, I know that everyone says that making a list is unrealistic, but I'm not talking about that type of list here. I want you to make a list of your fears and inhibitions, in order to fully understand what holds you back from attaining your full potential you have to be able to dig deep and go to that place that nobody voluntarily goes to. You have to open up the pandora box and put it all out there right in front of you, you have to face your fears. You will be amazed at how some of our most unrelated phobias are all related to the bigger picture.

So we face our fears, we take back that power that an outside force has against us. Accepting that you're not perfect, that your fears can and for the most part do get the best of you aides in opening your eyes to the face that others see. Yes people do see your fears, as much as we may try to hide them so not to seem weak, our fears are evident in our actions, our fears speak during those awkward moments of silence and when that smile suddenly disappears our fears take over our facial expressions. You may pride yourself in saying that you do not wear your heart on your sleeve, good for you! But when it comes to your fears, try and cover them up as much as you want but the moment your fears are presented to you by your immediate surroundings and company, the concept known as "calm and collected" goes right out of the window.

So we accept our fears, our weaknesses and our imperfections. We learn to put our better foot forward while aiming to improve our short comings. We learn to accept others for their fears, their weaknesses and their imperfectctions. We learn to see the good in them rather than taking advantage of their limitations. The bible says "and why do you look at the speck in your brothers eye, but do not perceive the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'brother let me remove the speck that is in your eye,' when you yourself do not see the plank in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck that is in your brothers eye." Luke 6:41-42.

So that moment, my ah hah moment, in that moment of clarity I realized that in order to fulfill my goals, in order to leave a lasting impression on the life of another, I must acknowledge my strengths and my weaknesses. I must realize that life is a journey where the teacher and the student are constantly in transition. And lastly in that moment i realized that as I strive to leave my footprint on this earth I must also acknowledge those around me and my past experiences that have left an imprint in my life.

As Lila Watson says; " if you are here to help me you are wasting your time, but if you have come here because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together"

Stay FAB!
